Now Available for You to Rent
Two Historical Buildings in Macedon Center
Macedon New York
Preserved and owned by the Macedon Historical Society since 1970.
Historic Macedon Academy built in 1853, Historic Macedon Center Meetinghouse built in 1868.
To reserve either of these buildings contact: or call 315-538-0051
Macedon Academy
Historic Macedon Academy features 2 floors each approximately 1500 square feet. on the ground floor a full Kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 classrooms and the second floor has an
auditorium with a 300 square foot stage.
The Academy has an ADA bathroom and Wi-Fi for casting from the 2nd floor to the first floor, this allows for participation on all levels.
Macedon Center Meetinghouse

Grange Building 2020
Historic Macedon Center Meetinghouse features a main floor of approximately 840 square feet. There is a full kitchen and a large classroom. This is a wonderful building for breakout sessions and catered events. This building is easily accessed
Macedon Center Meetinghouse
1208 Macedon Center Rd.
Macedon, NY 14502
Business Address:
Macedon Historical Society
PO Box 303, Macedon, NY 14502
315-538-0051 (leave a message) 585-455-3798 (emergency, non-life threatening)
General Policy and Procedures
This document describes the procedures for the use of Macedon Center Meetinghouse building, property and/or grounds,
and the rules pertaining to their use.
Date of Adoption: November 8, 2022
The Appointed Officers reserve the right to amend this policy.
Facilities/Property Available for Use
- Main Meeting Room
- Kitchen
- Meetinghouse grounds
- Small Classroom and/or Large Classroom
- Folding Tables & Chairs
Facility Use Eligibility
- Individuals and/or groups
- Outside groups that use the facility on a regular basis must provide Macedon Historical Society with a Certificate of Insurance.
- Certificates of Insurance are not required for one-time-users of the facility.
- Commercial vendors (such as: caterers, florists, musician groups) must have a Certificate of Insurance.
- An adult (21 years or more) must submit a Reservation Request Form.
- Use of the facility does not constitute endorsement of the purpose or goals of that individual or group.
Procedures (Facility Use)
- Facility use forms are available on line, or by calling 315-538-0051 and leave a message
- Reservations for facility use are on a first come, first-serve basis.
- The Macedon Center Meetinghouse is a “Carry In – Carry Out” facility.
- A $50.00 deposit is required at time of contract. This will be refunded after the event if there are not damages to the property.
- Users are liable for any damages or cleaning expenses resulting from their use of the facility. The deposit will be kept if any equipment in need of repair or cleaning and/or litter/trash removal after use.
Procedures (Facility Cancellation)
- Contact 585-455-3798 or email to cancel facility use at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled date.
- Macedon Historical Society reserves the right to cancel a reservation and will endeavor to give 48 hours’ notice.
Procedures (Recurring Reservations)
- The number of reservations made for recurring use will be kept to a reasonable limit.
- Macedon Historical Society reserves the right to deny a request, and/or rescind on-going reservations. Notice of rescinded facility use will be provided 48 hours in advance of the next use date.
Facility Use Rules
- Keep noise levels to a minimum, so as not to disturb our neighbors.
- Supervision by at least one adult (21 years or older) is required for every 6 children.
- Use only the areas or rooms reserved. Do not enter office or classrooms without permission.
- Tobacco, vaping, alcohol and/or drugs are NOT permitted on the premises.
- FOOD AND BEVERAGES are limited to meeting room and are NOT ALLOWED in any other area.
- Use of candles is prohibited unless granted permission by an Appointed Officer of the Macedon Historical Society.
- MHS enforces a “Carry In – Carry Out” policy, and facilities must be left in a clean condition (see General Housekeeping Expectations, page 5).
- Normal parking is provided. Parking along 31F is dangerous and illegal - cars can be ticketed or towed by police agencies.
- Parking is not allowed on the east side of the Meetinghouse. For large gatherings, vehicles cam park at the MC Methodist Church North Parking Lot during the Winter. Summer months, cars can park along the west side of the building.
- Facility users cannot store supplies and equipment at the Meetinghouse unless granted permission by an Appointed Officer of MHS. Any storage space granted may be rescinded at any time that MHS deems need for the space.
- Facility users cannot attach signs or posters to any inside walls or bulletin boards.
- Outside signs must be stored off-site and displayed only during a specific event.
- Keys may be issued to regular users. If a one-time user is issued a key, it must be returned to the Treasurer on the next weekday following use. KEYS are to be used only by the designated user and are NOT TO BE COPIED.
- Facility users must secure the building at the end of their event – Close and lock all windows and doors and turn off all lights in the area(s) used.
- Facility users must report personal injuries and/or facility damage IMMEDIATELY to the Macedon Historical Society –585-455-3798
- Facility users are expected to pay for needed cleaning (see General Housekeeping Expectations) or any facility damage repair work, as appropriate.
General Housekeeping Expectations
Facility users are responsible for the cleanliness, security, and energy requirements in accordance with this policy. If the building is not left in order, then the responsible group will be expected to pay for custodian services. Report any problems, loss, or damage to the Macedon Historical Society.
Meeting Rooms
- “Carry In – Carry Out” policy by removing litter or trash. Trash must be removed from the Meetinghouse.
- Leave used areas in a presentable appearance – counters, tabletops, and floors clean.
- Return all room furniture to original positions.
- Tables & Chairs must be disinfected after use.
- “Carry In – Carry Out” policy by bagging garbage or trash. Trash must be removed from the Meetinghouse.
- Wipe all counters, stove, microwave and refrigerator surfaces. Wipe any refrigerator or microwave interior spills.
- Sweep floors and damp mop spills.
- Wash, dry and put away all used dishes, silverware, and cooking utensils.
- Do not leave leftovers, including liquids –these must be removed from facility.
- Check that all related appliances, stoves, lights, etc. are shut off.
- Take home, wash, and return used towels and cloths.
- All counters and tables must be disinfected after use.
- After completion of building use, bathrooms are to be sweep clean and trash removed.
- Sink and toilet must be disinfected at the conclusion of your meeting/event.
Sidewalk to the Front Door of the Meetinghouse
- Leader/ Adult must clear the sidewalk upon arrival when necessary
Fee Structure
The Meetinghouse Facility Use Fee Structure
- Meeting Room $55.00 per day Macedon Residents and Non-Profit/Not for Profit
- Includes Tables and Chairs and Kitchen use for just refreshments
- Meeting Room $65.00 per day
- Includes Tables and Chairs and Kitchen use for refreshments
- Community Event Non-Profit/Not for Profit – negotiable
- Kitchen – catering event $45 per day in addition to Meeting room rental
- Classroom Large $30 per day in addition to Meeting room rental if required
Macedon Historical Society Members receive a 50% discount on the fee for the use of the building
The Meetinghouse can be rented for a flat donation of $4500/year for the use of the building. This would include:
Use of the Meeting Room, Large Classroom and Kitchen.
36 meetings per year (scheduled through an MHS officer)
An area to use for a file drawer and Cabinet to store your materials. (The Group renting would provide such equipment and locks)
Donation to use tables at another facility
- Folding Tables and Chairs $10.00 per table & accompanying 8 chairs
Delivery not included
Attach 2 signature pages